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Providing MDK-ARM V6 support

Associate III

Dear @Khouloud ZEMMELI , @Imen.D , @TDK ,

Please help add support for MDK-ARM version 6. Currently highest selectable Min Version is V5.32


Also help add GCC folder instead of RVDS folder when MDK-ARM version 6 is selected.

Currently I need to execute below steps manually. The downside is that whenever I regenerate the code, I loose the GCC folder and compiler setting.

I first have to generate a MDK-ARM V5.32 project, then open it in Keil IDE, then change the compiler to be used from Version 5 to Version 6 (via the Options for Target... -> Target -> Code Generator: Arm Compiler)

Then I need to save and close project.
I then go inside ../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/ and delete RVDS folder and instead copy the GCC (folder which the IOC file generates for STM32CubeIDE).

Finally I open up the UVPROJX file in Notepad++ and change RVDS in strings/paths to GCC, so that the new strings look similar to below:


I am unaware of whether I also need to update below, but the code compiles without issue:


Please share your inputs.




Hi @RajeevAroraCrcEvans,

I escalated your request internally to CubeMX team for analysis and further investigation (through Internal ticket number: 175038)

(PS: Internal ticket number 175038 is only for reference, not available outside of ST)

When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

Thanks @Imen.D