2022-12-30 3:09 AM
I'm using STM32CubeMX 4.24.0 (I know, extremely old but I need this version to be able to follow along a course) and JRE 1.8.0_351 on Ubuntu 20.04.
It seems the tool cannot find updates or other necessary STM32 Cube packages, with the following error:
2022-12-30 12:09:05,402 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:932 - Problem during Server Connexion : IO error No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
2022-12-30 12:09:05,403 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:419 - Problem during Server Connexion : : updaters.zip.
How could I fix this problem?
2022-12-30 4:59 AM
Hello @CGalv
First let me thank you for posting .
There are a few potential causes for this issue: