2019-03-17 11:49 AM
STM32CubeMX Board Selector does NOT show NUCLEO-G071RB, so I select MCU Selector and search STM32G071RB. STM32CubeMX shows NUCLEO-G071RB on Board Colum.
I click NUCLEO-G071RB and I Start Project, Initializing all peripherals with their default Mode YES.
Pinout & Configuration is shown but there is NO GPIO such as LD4 (PA5), SW4 (PC13).
Question: Is this NO GPIO correct or BUG?
My Environment is, STM32CubeMX: 5.1.0, STM32G0 package: 1.1.0, TrueSTUDIO: 9.3.0.
2019-03-18 7:27 AM
Look at STM32G0 and STM32CubeMX 5.0 Workshop
2019-03-18 11:20 AM
Thank you very much for your response.
I understood that GPIO additional setting of LD4(PA5) and GPIO_EXTI13 mode setting change of B1(PC13).
By the way, each Lab is using MDK-ARM. In addition, I am worried that there is no TrueSTUDIO in the sample project outline of P57.
Is not recommended to develop STM32G0 with TrueSTUDIO?
2019-03-19 2:46 AM
Hi @NR-A Comm
Thank you @Dvorak.Peter for you quick reply.
@NR-A Comm Until now STM32G0 does not support TrueSTUDIO, this will be available in the next version.
Best regards,
2019-03-19 10:19 AM
Thank you for your answers, Nesrine and Dvorak.
I understood STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO well.
Best regards, NR-A Comm.