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keil program with nucleo stm32xubemx


if i have

 int angka_test = 10;

int a;

while (1) {

output = output_start + ((output_end - output_start) * (angka_test - input_start)) / (input_end - input_start);

a = angka_test;

__HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&htim2, output); }


why 'a' if i seee form watch is 0, but angka_test=100, help me


Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

Please see the posting tips for how to properly post source code:

It should look something  like this:

int angka_test = 10;
int a;

while (1) {
   output = output_start + ((output_end - output_start) * (angka_test - input_start)) / (input_end - input_start);

   a = angka_test;

   __HAL_TIM_SET_AUTORELOAD(&htim2, output); 


@meriarajagukguk wrote:

why 'a' if i see from watch is 0, but angka_test=100, help me

Perhaps provide a screenshot of how you're seeing this, and a detailed description of how you get there?

Note that Keil is a 3rd-party products - nothing to do with ST - so you really need to be asking Keil about specific issues with their tool:

Two things to note:

  1. Optimisation: in the code shown, you never use the value of a - so it's likely to have been optimised away;
  2. Understand how Keil updates its "Watched" values - maybe what you're seeing is just "out of date", because the display hasn't updated?