2022-07-07 4:21 AM
I've followed st video lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urHGtvLYctk
Debugging the code, the calback (e.g. HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback) is not called (breakpoint is set). I tried with the "Register Callback" Enabled and Disabled, but none is working. It used to work seamlessly before the version update. What is different in current HAL version interrupts.
N.B.(I've similar open question in different context when using touchgfx (https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00001eZLdvSAG/legacy-interrupt-handlers-in-cubemx-660)
2022-07-07 5:58 AM
I see this issue and still exist , MX in first generating code with new version skip generate callbacks.
Second generating correct this, i dont know if any change click in NVIC required or not.
2022-07-07 6:12 AM
Make sure to enable UART interrupt in CubeMX NVIC config when using ***_IT() functions and both UART and DMA interrupt when using ***_DMA().
2022-07-07 7:50 AM
Thank you, all is enabled, as shown in the screen shot. Would you please advice the most recent version where callbacks are not legacy.