2021-11-09 6:31 AM
first of all i had a problem downloading the firmware package for my STM32F107VC. The IDE downloaded by itself two package v1.8.0 and v1.8.4, unzipping the first one worked, but the second failed. I found out that the name of the folder inside the two archive was the same, so i extracted them manually and renamed them correctly.
Now I created the project and made the IDE generate the files, (it was a test so i only selected the external clock in the .ioc file).
Building return error:
../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F1xx/Include/stm32f107xc.h:150:10: fatal error: core_cm3.h: No such file or directory
I tried to do the same passages on another PC and it works fine (neither the problem of the firmware package shows up)
I tried to unistall and reinstall three different versione of the IDE and all of them behave the same.
Can somebody help me??
Thanks in advance.
2021-11-09 1:14 PM
Probably extracting things manually gummed up the system. The packages are really meant to be installed by CubeMX.
Repositories are stored in C:\Users\USERNAME\STM32Cube\Repository. If you uninstall CubeIDE and CubeMX and they are still there, perhaps try uninstalling and reinstalling the package from within the CubeIDE package manager (Help -> Manage Embedded...).
I don't know if straight up deleting them from that directory will have unintended consequences, but that is also a possibility, though I would not recommend it.
2021-11-09 1:25 PM
>>The IDE downloaded by itself two package v1.8.0 and v1.8.4, unzipping the first one worked, but the second failed. I found out that the name of the folder inside the two archive was the same, so i extracted them manually and renamed them correctly.
Yes, it's an incremental patch over the x.x.0 version, do so it takes 1GB rather than 2GB of hard drive space
Your other issues sounds like one of Include Paths, and them not being sufficiently inclusive.
2021-11-10 2:25 AM
Correct, if you rename folders then you can no longer expect that CubeMX will be able to properly generate resources. The folder names must be kept in sync with .xml files. I would advice to uninstall the CubeFW packages and re-install them, as described by TDK.
2021-11-15 7:11 AM
I am aware that i should not rename folders, but this was the only way I found to use the latest fw package.
If i let the IDE do the installation by itself it fails the Unzipping of the patch, saying that the folder already exists.
2021-11-15 7:12 AM
I tried but installation fails (directory already exsists) in both ways
2021-11-15 7:14 AM
i searched for the core_cm3.h file in the whole project, i did not found it, i don't think the problem is not being sufficently inclusive, i beleive the file was not created at all