2021-01-03 5:37 AM
To my current knowledge, the latest version of STMCUFinder (3.1.0, MacOS) does not include a selectable column (and/or Peripheral on the left) to select FDCAN.
Also, it does not appear that FDCAN is 'implied' by the CAN peripheral. For example, the part STM32G431x6/8/B appears to have FDCAN - according to the spec, but has no "1" marked in the CAN column (and is not selectable with CAN peripheral on the left side).
Is this the only peripheral that is missing, or is STMCUFinder to be considered incomplete/obsolete (for example, can't find USB-PD specifically either)?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-04 5:45 AM
> Open CubeMX (v4.23.0 (2021), MacOS)
The latest version is 6.1.1, and works fine for me:
2021-01-03 7:14 AM
Not sure on the answer to your question, but you can use the MCU/MPU Selector within STM32CubeMX to do the same thing. There is both a CAN and an FDCAN selection:
2021-01-03 11:41 PM
Hello @DNiet.1 ,
You're right, it's a known issue and it's under analysis.. I advice you to use CubeMX standalone for the moment as suggested by @TDK .
Otherwise, there's a new MCUFinder Version that will be released soon.
Thanks, Khouloud
2021-01-04 2:21 AM
Dear @TDK , @Khouloud ZEMMELI ,
Thanks for your answers.
I've tried the following:
Do you agree with my expected results, or did I misunderstand something?
Could you please duplicate this behaviour? If this is the case, can I assume that both methods (using MCUFinder or CubeMX) are broken - at least with regards to FDCAN? It is especially worrying that _existing_ selection fields (FDCAN in this particular case) apparently do not reflect the actual hardware possibilities of the MCUs, which makes me doubt the correctness of the other selection criteria.
Additionally: CubeMX, by the way, also has no selection field for USB-PD; it would be nice if indeed _all_ peripheral options could be selected -> currently, I'd still need to search explicitly for these options in application notes (etc.), rendering CubeMX/STMCUFinder useless (at least for these selection criteria); wouldn't you agree?
Thanks for your insight in this.
2021-01-04 5:45 AM
> Open CubeMX (v4.23.0 (2021), MacOS)
The latest version is 6.1.1, and works fine for me:
2021-01-04 5:59 AM
@TDK: Don't know why my "About" screen showed "2021" in the version info, but indeed it was a very old version (verified it on an older laptop of mine).
I retested this on another machine, updating to 6.1.1 and I can indeed reproduce your behaviour - thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
By the way, in case other readers see this thread in the future, USB-PD is also selectable as "UCPD" peripheral in CubeMX v6.1.1.
Thanks all for your help.
2021-01-04 6:28 AM
For the first point, you need to migrate to the latest CubeMX version (Thanks @TDK for your contribution and help).
For the second point ( USB-PD ), it's a Middleware and only IPs are present in Peripheral List, as the USBPD needs the activation of UCPD first, so you can rely on the presence of it.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best the response that helped/answered you, This will help other users find that answer faster.
Thanks, Khouloud
2021-01-04 6:31 AM
Thanks for the additional pointers.
I will do as you requested.