2019-03-14 9:35 PM
I have generated code using STM32Cubemx v.5.1 i have selected SDIO and FATFS and i want to use freeRTOS . so as soon as i enable freeRTOS my FATFS stops mounting performing operations. how to get working with both ?? any suggestion ??
2019-03-14 9:48 PM
We also faced such type of error but we moved with Stnd Pheripharle library.
According to me we face face such type of error when context switching not happen or context switching not properly worked at that time. So I suggest that debug your program .
2019-03-14 9:49 PM
I am sure this work but in embedded field very thing is possible.
2019-03-14 10:00 PM
Sorry for wrong typing
"I am not sure this work but in embedded field very thing is possible."
2019-03-14 11:55 PM
Hello @CJagt
Can you please share your ioc file ?
Best Regards,
2019-03-15 12:02 AM
2019-03-15 12:18 AM
You're welcome ,this is reported internally for further check.
Best Regards,
2019-03-17 9:10 PM
@Khouloud ZEMMELI Hi , could you please provide me any updates??
2019-03-17 11:17 PM
Hello , in your ioc file you're only activated the FatFs and SDIO .
You found the error in the generated code ?
Could you please give me more details ??
Best Regards,
2019-03-17 11:54 PM
No there is no error in generated code.
I want to write data in SDCard thats working.
Now i want to use freeRtos in the same program, if i enable freeRTOS and generate code my fatfs not mounting and not writing data.
I have attached screenshot that shows i also enable freeRtos in same file that already shared with you.