2021-02-16 04:07 PM
In some cases I have found that code is needed where there is not a USER CODE section. I've also inherited such code. What is the best way to manage this in a project? If I generate new code from the Mx Cube file I end up overwriting needed code.
Manually comparing files between two folders and making edits is a recipe for disaster. How are others handling this?
2021-03-01 11:53 PM
Dear @BTrem.1
I think this question is not related to STM32 Motor Control.
I remove this tag (but not STM32CubeMX tag).
Please refer to STM32CubeMX documentation.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2021-03-06 04:00 AM
> ...is a recipe for disaster. How are others handling this?
Isn't the answer obvious? When you are capable of actually developing non-trivial code, you don't need a broken bloatware generator, which limits your code to some incompetent design.