2017-10-11 5:45 PM
Details: STM32CubeMX v4.22.1, firmware library for the STM32F7xxx family v1.8.0.
Created project for SW4STM32 using (nearly) default pin configuration for the Nucleo-144 with STM32F767ZI (rev Z).
If it matters, the project is configured to generate files for AC6 (sw4stm32).
The code generated in 'Src/main.c' has some problems:
&sharp1, &sharp2, and &sharp4 are just annoying. It would be less of a problem if the code for those things was not in the 'immutable' sections of the code generated by STM32CubeMX -- every time the project is updated, any changes to the order of driver initialization or the result of the initialization gets overwritten because those changes don't appear between '/* USER CODE BEGIN xxx */' and '/* USER CODE END xxx */' markers. The new vs. old file have to be manually merged, which is somewhat error prone. I can live with it, just don't like it.
Issue &sharp3 is the real problem, and it's in the HAL driver code for the STM32F7xx MAC ('stm32f7xx_hal_eth.c'). Througout the code in 'HAL_ETH_Init()', there are loops that look like the following:
tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
do{ HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(eth, PHY_BSR, &phyreg); if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ETH_TIMEOUT_LINKED_STATE) { err = ETH_ERROR; ETH_MACDMAConfig(heth, err); heth->State = HAL_ETH_STATE_READY; __HAL_UNLOCK(heth); return HAL_TIMEOUT; }} while (((phyreg & PHY_LINKED_STATUS) != PHY_LINKED_STATUS));This is being done for operations where the current link status should not matter. Initializing the Ethernet driver should not require that a link can be established at that time. There are callbacks and other means of notifying user software when a link is established, but configuring the PHY itself should not expect a link to exist.
A timeout reading/writing one of the PHY registers is an error that can cause the driver init to fail, but please, not the Ethernet link itself.
The only workaround I can come up with is to edit the driver code, since I cannot guarentee that I will have a link at start-up (and can pretty much guarentee that it won't 90% of the time).
I've attached my STM32CubeMX project file for anyone who wants to reproduce the problem.
#stm32cubemx #hal-drivers #hal_eth_init #ethernet #stm32f72018-02-13 6:48 AM
,Thanks to highlight this issue and sorry for my late answer.
This issue would be fixed in the next FW_F7 release.
I will keep you informed.
BR. Jeanne
2018-09-27 5:22 AM
Same problem with STM32F217VE and STMCUBE 4.27.0 with package 1.7.0.
I just set AutoNegotiation to ETH_AUTONEGOTIATION_DISABLE and do changes in my code instead in driver.
2018-11-12 5:27 PM
Thank you for this valuable infomation.
This is the first time I use Nucleo STM32F767ZI board, bought in Novermber, and hit the same problem.
Using Eclipse, I set up basic functions of USART1& 3 and DMA, with default USB_OTG and ETH and run.First run, hung.
Checked the error location and found MX_ETH_Init() is the problem. Commented out this then LD2 & LD3, UART3 works just normal like STM32F303RE Nucleo board. I am just trying to transfer GPS data from UART1 to UART3, the latter connected to TeraTerm.
Since I am still in premitive stages of Nucleo study, I will not use ETH soon, but I will keep this information in my folder for future use.
2019-07-02 6:05 AM
Hello Jeanne,
I have the same problem on the STM32F746G-Discovery board with STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0.
The init-code in 'HAL_ETH_Init()' still looks the same as Daniel described it.
Is there any update available for the driver or a workaround for this issue?
Best regards
2019-11-12 1:07 AM
Still not fixed, at least not in the latest firmware for NUCLEO-F207ZG.
A simple workaround ST could implement would be to change:
to be:
This would allow the timeout to be reduced at compile time, setting to a low number would allow a quick check at startup while not blocking for 5 seconds.