2019-06-14 7:26 AM
Does stm32cubeMX 5.2.1 has the correct pin_out for RTC_OUT signal for part STM32H750VBT6?
Here is from data-sheet say RTC_OUT is located PB2
and cubeMX say it on pin PC13 (winch other F series used to be):
2020-02-19 12:20 AM
After verification, we confirm this issue and will be fixed in the next release.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2020-02-24 2:46 AM
To be precise: STM32CubeMX is correct. The datasheet will be updated to add PC13 as RTC_OUT.
Best regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2024-09-03 1:34 PM
Now 2024, September.
I have checked for the latest datasheet of STM32H745XIH6 and RTC_OUT is still shown in PB2.
Who should I trust, datasheet or CubeMx ?
2024-09-03 1:40 PM
What a suprise, STM32H750VBT6 did not uptaded also...
2024-10-29 2:17 PM
I am using STM32H755ZITx and RTC_OUT is still shown as PB2 only in datasheet (DS12919 Rev 2), Will there be any update ?
I tried enabled RTC_OUT_CALIB to PC13 and I got only 32kHz pulses instead of 1Hz pulse - In CubeMx selected "Calibration 1Hz"