2023-07-26 6:48 AM - last edited on 2023-08-03 8:01 AM by KDJEM.1
CubeMx version v6.9.0 deleting my folder structure/ Middleware.
I tried to generate code via v6.9.0 and it just deletes my entire middleware files. My all commits are gone.
2023-08-02 3:24 AM
Hello @Aanchal and welcome to the community :),
Which toolchain/IDE are you using for generation project? Are you using MDK-ARM?
Could you please download and use the latest version of STM32CubeMX6.9.1.
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2023-08-03 5:50 AM
No the issue is not resolved facing issue related to this file #include "cmsis_os2.h".
../Drivers/VVG_OS\VVG_OS_Thread.h(10): error: 'cmsis_os2.h' file not found
2023-08-03 6:28 AM
Hi @Aanchal ,
Could you please precise:
-Which toolchain/IDE are you using for generation project?
-Which STM32 product are you using?
Thank you.
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2023-08-03 6:44 AM
-Which toolchain/IDE are you using for generation project? - i am using keil version 5
-Which STM32 product are you using? - stm32wl55cc
2023-08-04 3:57 AM - edited 2023-08-04 4:01 AM
Hello @Aanchal ,
I made some test with STM32WL55CCU6 using STM32CubeMX6.9.1 and I can't reproduce the issue.
Please make sure that after adding the user file in your project generated by Keil, to click on File--> save all ( this step is very important ) then when you regenerate the code using STM32CubeMX 6.9.1 the added user file will not be deleted .
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Thank you.
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2023-08-25 2:23 AM
Hello @KDJEM.1 ,
i have the same problem since several versions of STM32CubeIDE. At the moment I'm using version 1.13.1 and the problem ist still there.
I'm using a H743ZG with RTOS activated. In the automatically generated Folder "/Middlewares/" I added some linked folders and they are not deleted. But I also added a Folder named "System" and this folder is always deleted if I regenerate the code.
There should be two internal Tickets: 147368, 151040. Could you reproduce the issue.
Best regards
2023-08-25 6:15 AM
Hello @JensH ,
147368 ticket reported STM32CubeMx v6.8.0 deletes Folder added by user when regenerate the code using MDK-ARM issue. This issue is already solved in STM32CubeMX6.9.1 version.
151040 ticket reported STM32CubeMX deletes manually added folders "Utilities" or "Middlewares" (same folder name reserved by Cube MX). This issue will be solved in the coming release.
To reproduce your issue, could you please describe the steps to follow?
Thank you.
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2023-08-25 6:36 AM
Hi @KDJEM.1 ,
it seems to be the same problem as 151040.
To reproduce the issue:
I hope this explanation helps. Best regards
2023-09-20 6:38 AM
I have a similar issue. Using latest version of CubeMX: 6.9.2 with last L4 Firmware Package: 1.18
I'm using the default B-L462E-CELL1 demoboard project with some modifications. Each time I generate with CubeMX, it remove completely the Utilities directory. It seems that directories in Middleware are not removed.
Expected beavior: CubeMX do not touch to directories!