2018-02-21 5:08 AM
I am trying to use the latest CubeMX V4.24 with FatFS R0.12c, I am using FreeRTOS in my project. The SD card is connected using SDIO 4-bits wide bus. The MCU is STM32F427. HAL driver is V1.19.
The problem is that f_mount function is never working. Seems that a response from queue never comes in function SD_read from sd_diskio.c file:
event = osMessageGet(SDQueueID, SD_TIMEOUT);
I was able to make f_mount work OK by applying suggestions described in this post, which refers to CubeMX V4.23:
, however now creation of a file does not work.Can you suggest anything?
P.S. I know that when there is no FreeRTOS present operation with SD card is working well as provided in examples of CubeMX.#cubemx-v4.24 #fatfs-r0.12c #cubemx-v4.24-with-fatfs-r0.12c #freertos #hal-driver-v1.192018-02-23 1:57 AM
The problem is solved due to help of
. Here is a link to this thread: