2023-08-08 5:33 AM
Despite referring to the STM32F0 label (can't this forum have a simple one labeled as a general problem for STM32CubeMX???) the problem exists for ALL situations and MCU's where you simply start working with the STM32CubeMX.
Since several years ago, some colleagues on this form (and myself for 1-2 months) continue to report a completely stupid mess in the stm32CubeMX that makes it completely useless (again I attach a picture of today's nonsense and that completely prevented me simply from doing my work at the University - I'm sick of it!) No one at TS has (apparently) spent even a minute trying to solve such a stupid problem. For now (and against my will) I will migrate to NXP MCUs, which at least the configuration software works! As soon as someone at ST fixes the problem (which drags on for years!) please let me know.
2023-10-23 12:40 AM
I have asked some colleagues about the complete status - as we know it today. We have never been able to re-produce this on our side --> Difficult to fix. I am normally not monitoring the CubeMX product, but if this was a common problem I imagined that I should have seen it, given the 100s if not 1000s of installations I have seen...
Paradox0v0 wrote:
I encountered the UI chaos problem too, I have searched this problem with Google, and this problem seems to be a common situation obviously! I asked my classmates, they said they had the same problem.
@Paradox0v0, could you share the links to these other common situations to see if we can find more pieces in this puzzle?
@Paradox0v0 @Luiz Pereira , do you represent the same university? Would be interesting to know the commonalities of your IT environments... Specifically, what kind of anti-virus/firewall, scanning services that are running on these systems. Is it possible that one of these tools perceived the MX bundled JRE as some type of threat? Could you run MX together with an IT-administrator and disable any protection applications running on the system to see if you re-produce the same behavior?
If I understood well, MX runs well for a few minutes, than boom. GUI is messed up. Sounds to me like a periodic service destroying the MX environement. Could you find in some administrator log-files on the system which service/tool that is invoked and potentially messing with MX?
Kind regards, Mattias
2023-10-23 7:36 AM
I am a Chinese developer, So I tried to search this problem in Chinese and English with Google. There are some links (But there written with Chinese):>
I uploaded my chaotic Cube MX UI in attachments too. When I tried to type some words in the search window, the UI must be chaos.
2023-10-23 2:46 PM
I am a physics professor at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. I usually develop embedded systems for interfaces and sensors for laboratory equipment.
I use CubeMx both at home and at University; in both situations I have full administrative control of the PCs. At the University, protection is done centrally through Windows Security and at home I have ESET Smart Security. I don't think the problem is on this side because at home and with the same protection system (I have a license for three PCs) CubeMx has no problems on the laptop but on the desktop, and both share the same anti-virus/firewall configuration. BYW, at the University, I have an i7 desktop, 13th generation and the CubeMx works without problems but the graphics card is an Intel in the MB itself.
Only installed the usual applications: office, Matlab, VisualStudio, Stm32IDE, MCUXpresso, Keil uVision (educational license), Origin, SolidWorks, etc...
However, I saw the links that @Paradox0v0 sent and it seems (more or less) clear that the problem lies in some incompatibility of the graphics cards; but as I mentioned, other software that also uses Java does not have any problems (e.g. some specific equipment interface software in the lab!).
I'm currently abroad but when I return (next week) I'll try to see if I can configure some graphics properties for the javaw.exe app as well see some Windows logs in Event Viewer.
At the same time, it would be interesting to try to check whether the possible Java settings imposed by CubeMx are not the cause of the problem (as I mentioned, other applications that also use Java do not have any problem on any PC).
When I have more information, I will get in touch
2023-10-23 3:22 PM - edited 2023-10-23 3:25 PM
From the mentioned 3rd party software, Origin seems interesting: it is a gaming thing; naturally it may mess with the GPUs. Suggest to start testing from pristine PC setup (or "Microsoft Signature Edition" setup, if this is still available). Then install 3rd party software. Check BIOS settings related to video memory, PCIe...
2023-10-23 3:38 PM
Sorry @Pavel A.
Origin is MicroCal's OriginLab, software for scientific work! And why would there be problems with the desktop and not with the laptop when it is installed and working on both (and with the same versions and configurations)?
2023-10-24 4:35 AM
Hi @Pavel A.
My classmates' situation is similar with @Luiz Pereira . They are graduate students and major in electronic information engineering. So their computers installed some software for scientific work too. And by a very coincidence, we encountered the display issue with the laptop too, but when we used desktops, this problem disappeared.
2023-10-24 4:50 AM - edited 2023-10-24 5:01 AM
@Paradox0v0 But @Luiz Pereira has opposite situation. His laptop is OK and desktops have problem ??
(we are talking about Windows 10 or 11 64-bit everywhere, correct?)
Again I'd recommend to test on a 100% clean fresh Windows installations. On laptops this can be harder because of all the vendor preinstalled junk.
2023-10-24 7:32 AM
Sorry @Pavel A. , My expression may lead to confusion. What I mean is some of my classmates encounter this problem when they use desktops. And yes, The OS on my laptop and desktop are all Windows 10.
2023-11-09 6:55 AM
Hi @Luiz Pereira @Pavel A. @mattias norlander @Herve PIERROT
It seems that I have solved the problem of the chaotic UI. I set the monitor to the recommended resolution of Win10, set the font size to 100%, and set the Window Display Size of CubeMX to "Larger". Finally, The UI is back to normal and can show content without any problem ! ! !
What I did had been uploaded to the attachments.
2023-11-09 6:59 AM
CubeMX may can't match the resolution and font size of Win10 automatically, So we need to do this step mannually.