2017-07-31 12:13 AM
I simply generate the code using CUBEMX and I switch on CAN1 controller. I try to start the program but it halts on 'MX_CAN_Init()' function. In detail, it doesn't pass the 'while' at line 310, in 'stm32f4xx_hal_can.c'.
Is this a bug? Should I follow some preliminary instructions to make it work?
Thanks a lot!
#can #cube-mx #stm32f446re2017-07-31 8:32 AM
Hi Marco,
In this post you could find information that could help to you:
Are you wiring a CAN tranceiver chip to Tx and Rxmicrocontrollers pins? I'm not quite sure, but Ihad same problem and I think that I solved it with the chip because its generate the acknowlegde signal that is waiting in the loop that it stands.