2016-11-28 2:27 PM
I converted my project from using a '407VGT6 to using a '405VGT6 (very painless), BUT I lost all of my DMA settings and all of my interrupt priorities.
Version control is my friend.Andrei from The Great White North. #cubemx-bug2016-11-28 11:50 PM
Dear Andrei,
Your issue is reported internally to our CubeMx team for checking. Could you please provide more details on your setting project option (code generator screenshot) and if possible attach your .ioc file. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. Best Regards STM32.forum2016-11-29 9:57 AM
Due to customer security concerns, I'd rather not post the ioc file.
Please contact me at groups at chichak dot ca and I can send it to an ST rep.2016-12-08 8:26 AM
Dear chichak.andrei,
I tested on my side the conversion from
'407VGTx' to '405VGTx' with DMA set for different IPs (I2C1, I2C2, USART1, ADC1, TIM6 and TIM7)... with MemToMem as well and Interrupt priorities set in NVIC.
All those parameters were set in STM32F407VGTx.
The, I opened a new project of STM32F405VGTx and did a File/Import Project and all DAM settings and interrupt priorities were as set in STM32407VGTx project and it was not painfull.
Did you first set all your parameters in STM32F407VGTx, save your project, then open a new project (with STM32F405VGTx) and do an import of your previous project?
Hope it will help you.
Eric Dampierre
2016-12-08 3:12 PM
I set all of my parameters in '407, yes. This is a pre-existing project that I have been working on for about a year.
What I did was open my existing project, chose List Pinout Compatible MCUs, chose the 405VGTx, told it to import.
Go into Configuration/DMA2 and my settings are gone. Went into NVIC and my settings are gone. (I just did it again)
I'll take a look at the new project/import method. Although the processors are compatible enough that it just doesn't matter.
2016-12-09 1:12 AM
Hello Andrei Chichak,
Please, let me know your status when you will have a look to the new project/import method I advised you.
BR. Eric Dampierre
2016-12-09 11:55 AM
A couple of issues;
First, on the import screen, get your people to put some tool tips to explain what a PCC is. I have no idea.
Second, the import did get the DMA and NVIC settings correct, but the ADC1 settings clobbered my temperature sensor and vrefint channels as not being possible on a 405VGTx. I could then go into the affected channel and set the source to temperature sensor and vrefint so, from a user perspective, it is possible. Perhaps the importer just lacks motivation or imagination.
2016-12-12 5:39 AM
Hello Andrei,
Thanks for your comments.
Regarding your first point on the PCC topic, it means here the Power Consumption Calculator. If you check this box, all the modification done in the Power Consumption Calculator tab will be kept.
The second checkbox concerns the import project manager settings,
We will modify the titles of these 2 checkboxes in the import menu in order to be clearer. Thanks for your suggestion. It would be available in the next CubeMX release.
For your second point, it is normal between 2 different mcus that some settings are not the same. That is why you have the comment that some settings can not be kept.
BR. Eric