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Configuring USART3 error while deploying deep learning model in NUCLEO-H753ZI

Associate II

I installed stm32CubeIDE version 1.18.0
Started a new stm32 project, selected my board, clicked ok for everything (like it showed a window which contained 5 checked options of led,virtual port etc etc.), i selected all and clicked ok.
Then activated XCubeAI package, checked core and selected validation under application, then clicked on OK.
Then i tried to open that network window... but before that a small window opened which showed configuring usart3 and it got stuck at 70% for very long time... i tried closing the app and disconnecting, restarting pc... but the same thing is happening... i shared a screenshot of where it got stuck...
PLease help me with this...





C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.18.0/STM32CubeIDE/plugins/ C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.18.0/STM32CubeIDE/plugins/\libc_nano.a(libc_a-signalr.o): note: the message above does not take linker garbage collection into account

see i am getting this error... how many times ever i tried to build
please help me through this

Please respond to my error message.... Help me with that single error. . My work will be done.


note: the message above does not take linker garbage collection into account

Which message above? What exactly is the error? If these are only warnings and the executable file is created - ignore these messages. All of them.


Sir... Please respond



See... It has one error and one warning... I thought the red coloured one is error and i copied that one...
if the yellow one is the error... 
It is preventing the build...
PLease tell me the solution...
i tried implementing kill in syscalls.c under core>src multiple times...
But how many ever times i did that and saved... after i click clean and build... it is showing that error and when i recheck the file... syscalls.c file which i created earlier is present anymore there... I tried and failed multiple times....
What is the problem????
(BTW i dont use any kill function...)


Please help me with this error... pleaseeeee


please help me with this error... pleasee

please check my error... everything seems to be good.... please check it and tell me please