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Could you please check if the attached .h5 model has anything wrong...It is not analyzing and always producing error...If anything is wrong... please correct it and resend pleaseAnalyzing model C:/Users/surya/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectro...
I tried to validate on desktop... an ai model but ended with this error...please help me with this error
C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.18.0/STM32CubeIDE/plugins/ C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.18.0/STM...
I installed stm32CubeIDE version 1.18.0Started a new stm32 project, selected my board, clicked ok for everything (like it showed a window which contained 5 checked options of led,virtual port etc etc.), i selected all and clicked ok.Then activated XC...
Can anyone please help with the step by step process for deploying a deep learning model on NUCLEO-H753ZI board using STM32CubeIDE and XCubeAI package...I am not able to do it even after trying multiple times...please help me through this .... using ...
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