2019-12-15 9:32 PM
I am new user to ARM Cortex world. I have purchased a new kit Nucleo having F411RE. I have installed STM32CubeMX ver 5.4 and OpenSTM32 workbench ver 2.9 in my Windows 10 Laptop. Everything is installed successfully.
I have tried to generate code in STM2CubeMX but it gets stuck. I have tried multiple times but does get through. Please see the attached pic.
Pics of Configuration inside Cube are attached. No other configuration has been changed by me.
Attached is also ioc file.
What could be the reason and remedy for it. Could it be related to Java. I have Java installed with Version No. 1.8 enabled in my Laptop.
Do I need KEIL to be installed in my Laptop ?