2017-03-12 11:27 PM
In CubeMX 4.19.0 I have USART1 Asynchronous and FREERTOS enabled. USART1 global interrupt is enabled. In NVIC configuration dialog I have:
USART1 global interrupt: On, Preemption priority 5, Sub priority 0, Uses FREERTOS functions On.
Actually, in my program USART1 interrupt handler doesn't use FREERTOS functions. I want to change the interrupt priority. So, I change it by the following way:
USART1 global interrupt: On, Preemption priority 3, Sub priority 0, Uses FREERTOS functions Off.
Save the project, exit and open it again. USART1 and NVIC are signed with red. When I open NVIC, the following message is shown:
Preemption priority of interrupts should be >=5 if their handlers call system functions. See FREERTOS_LIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT parameter.
When NVIC is opened, I see the following parameters:
USART1 global interrupt: On, Preemption priority 3, Sub priority 0, Uses FREERTOS functions On.
So, CubeMX keeps incorrect value of 'Uses FREERTOS functions', and in this case priority 3 is not allowed. Is this bug in CubeMX? Is there any way to save this priority value without CubeMX warning?
#usart1 #freertos #cube-mx #interrups2017-03-14 3:57 AM
Please update your CubeMx version to 4.20 then check if you have same behavior with the new version.
Could you please attach your .ioc file to check your case.
2017-03-15 5:12 AM
2017-03-15 6:11 AM
Hello Imen.
Reproduced with CubeMX 4.20.0. Steps to reproduce:
1. Create CubeMX project for STM32468I-EVAL.
2. Pinout.
USART1 - Asynchronous.SYS - Timebase source TIM1.FREERTOS - Enabled.3. Configuration.
USART1, NVIC settings. Global interrupt enabled.NVIC. USART1 Global interrupt. By default it is filled: Enabled Priority 5 Sub priority 0 Uses FREERTOS functions OnUncheck Uses FREERTOS functions. Priority is automatically changed to 0.
Press OK, save project, exit.Open project again.
Configuration, NVIC. USART1 Global interrupt is still: Enabled Priority 5 Sub priority 0 Uses FREERTOS functions OnI don't see Attach function here, CubeMX project content will be sent as plain text.
2017-03-16 3:49 AM
Hi Alex Farber,
Your issue is reported internally for further investigation.
2018-01-16 12:57 AM
I was trying to reproduce the issue you highlighted on top of CubeMX4.23 (the lastest one) and the reload of the project is correct (with the parameters previously saved : NVIC/USART1 global interrupt with preemption priority set to 0 as unticked box 'uses FreeRTOS functions' ).
Please, update your CubeMX release and tell me if you still have the issue.
BR. Jeanne