2019-03-12 8:38 AM
I have troubles with stdio.h library function printf on STM32F207ZG-Nucleo board. After implementing (for example from ..\STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32F207ZG-Nucleo\Examples\UART\UART_Printf\..) calling printf() doesn't work. When I've tried to debug it, execution fails into HardFault_Handler and there stops.
The project is generated from newest CubeMX (5.1.0) and using RTOS. Im affarid it somehow corresponds with upgrade to 5.1.0 I did before this issue. In the previois versions (can't say exactly version number) I have no problem with this (I have noticed slightly different implementation of syscalls.c).
2019-03-12 10:49 AM
In Keil if you don't have the semi-hosting functionality correctly set up the BKPT instruction will Hard Fault
2019-04-05 7:03 AM
thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I'm using SW4STM32.
I did downgrade to CubeMX v4.24.0. There it works correctly. The same method in v5.1.0, but not the same result.
2019-04-05 8:01 AM
Don't know, I'd start with the Hard Fault and work backward, likely something isn't linking properly, or a name/symbol usage changed.