2017-09-24 6:42 PM
Hi All,
I have been experimenting with my
I have generated some code with CubeMX for SW4STM32 and I am getting some problems with the code, ending up in an Error Handler sometimes (in main):
void _Error_Handler(char * file, int line)
{ /* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */ /* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */ while(1) { } /* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */ }This happens when I do the following:
Use the main clock source for the PLL as HSI, and tick the option 'generate peripheral initialization as a pair of '.c/'h' files per peripheral', which I prefer to keep things tidy, in CubeMX.
If I use the MSI instead of the HSI, I don't get this problem.
I am attaching my project for your perusal. Is this a known bug? Or am I missing something?
#pll #nucleo-l476rg #clock #stm32l4 #cubemx #stm32l4762017-09-24 7:02 PM
Someone has reported the potential cause:
I have introduced the M parameter and it seems to work now.
2017-09-25 9:18 AM
This is already raised internally to CubeMx team and we come back to you as soon as we have needed details.
Best Regards