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Bug in STM32CubeMX v.5.2.0 : Fails to configure older Firmware package


New version STM32CubeMX v.5.2.0 "Project Manager" -> field "Firmware package" is not working properly if I choose older version package. The field "Firmware Package Version" shows only v1.24.0 and v1.24.1 although I am using v1.23.0 because new versions break down USB port registration (that's another problem : new library is not compatible with previous APIs). So I uncheck "use the latest firmware" and uncheck "use default Firmware location> Now it allows me to choose my library. So I choose v1.23.0 ... Now I see it only in "firmware location" field but "firmware package version" field still shows only the latest version (did not change to reflect my choice).

Now I generate the project and compile it. Shows error "stm32xx_hal_exti.h: No such file or directory".

Indeed there is no such file in v1.23.0 library. Yet why was included in the new generated stm32xx_hal_conf.h file ? Because somehow it was generated according to a new v1.24.1 library , included stm32xx_hal_conf.h file , which has this file, yet this file should not have been involved because it was not in that library version.

I suggest the STM testing staff to run a test scenario where first the library is used the latest and then choose the previous version v1.23.0 and generate project again and compile - see what happens...

Chief II

The HAL/CubeMX team is their own, but it's not in Europe... They fix only the most trivial bugs and even those typically take them at least a year. Serious flaws are just completely ignored as they are incapable of solving them anyway.