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Bug in STM32CubeMX v.5.2.0 : Fails to configure older Firmware package


New version STM32CubeMX v.5.2.0 "Project Manager" -> field "Firmware package" is not working properly if I choose older version package. The field "Firmware Package Version" shows only v1.24.0 and v1.24.1 although I am using v1.23.0 because new versions break down USB port registration (that's another problem : new library is not compatible with previous APIs). So I uncheck "use the latest firmware" and uncheck "use default Firmware location> Now it allows me to choose my library. So I choose v1.23.0 ... Now I see it only in "firmware location" field but "firmware package version" field still shows only the latest version (did not change to reflect my choice).

Now I generate the project and compile it. Shows error "stm32xx_hal_exti.h: No such file or directory".

Indeed there is no such file in v1.23.0 library. Yet why was included in the new generated stm32xx_hal_conf.h file ? Because somehow it was generated according to a new v1.24.1 library , included stm32xx_hal_conf.h file , which has this file, yet this file should not have been involved because it was not in that library version.

I suggest the STM testing staff to run a test scenario where first the library is used the latest and then choose the previous version v1.23.0 and generate project again and compile - see what happens...


Forgot to note: the .ioc file is the same which I've been using before with v1.23.0 library and v5.1 CubeMX - everything was working fine (except as I mentioned, I could not switch to the latest CubeF4 library package). The stm32xx_hal_conf.h file generated with v5.1.0 CubeMX did not include the non existent file.


I've played more with CubeMX trying to run different firmware libraries and seems there is more mess . Once I downloaded the newest v1.24.1 of firmware, the field "Firmware Package Name and Version" shows only v1.24.1 and v1.24.0 - it will not show my v1.23.0 even if I uncheck "Use default location" and browse explicitly to this version. Then I removed both v1.24 versions from the default location leaving there only my v1.23.0 . I restarted CubeMX and what does it show now in "Firmware Package Name and Version" ? The same v1.24.1 again even though it is not there ! I clicked "generate code" and CUbeMX warned me that "required" library version is not there? But this required library is not there because I need another one! there is no way for me to change the required library!

Am I talking to a wall here? Where is a bug report site for the STM software ?


Vlad, I'm not sure where everybody is ?

I am not sure how to get support either.


I'd appreciate some help with this issue. I am absolutely stuck right now--it is forcing me to use the new library that is incompatible with my code. I have followed all the instructions in the user manual and am at a loss of what to do now. I can't move forward and I can't move back.

Can anyone assist me?


More details:

I switched back to STM32CubeMX v5.1.0 and observe a similar behavior - I cannot choose a firmware library older than the latest. Not that old really v1.23.0 yet configurator does not use it even though I unchecked "Use Default Location" and I have only version I need in the chosen repository. It is hard to fathom how does the configurator find the newest firmware if it is not there (I removed it)? And then it refuses to compile with warning that "required firmware was not found" !



Hi Vlad,

I am exactly experiencing the same bug as yours even in 2020! My old package is V1.23.0. But my STM32CubeMX only shows V1.25.0 and V1.25.1 whatever I select "Use lateset available version" or click "Browse" to manually select folder of V1.23.0. AC6 workbench always prompts "fatal error: stm32f4xx_hal_exti.h: No such file or directory stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h". As what you metioned, there is indeed no stm32f4xx_hal_exti.h in library V1.23.0.

Do you solve this bug finally? Appreciate your help.


After loosing lot's of time trying to get through this library deadlock I finally gave up and switched to another MCU vendor in 2019. This was too much for me to bare.

Can't help, sorry.


@HHuan.2 I recommend you to open a support case with STM tech support and explain them this problem if they still don't know this bug. Ask them to explain how and where does the CubeMX find the installed libraries, why the default install location been ignored and so on...

They apparently don't care about the forum but their tech support might be better than in the past.

Choosing any one of your installed libraries in your location must be the basic developer's choice with ANY version of the configurator tool.


Yes, support for things like this is very important ! It may be that a contractor worked on the software and are not able to be contacted or there are more important bugs to fix ?

It is very difficult to get good technical help these days. I know my company certainly has issues and we have to sometimes train from the ground up. May be the same or worse in Europe for ST ?