2019-08-06 1:20 PM
Typical user symptom: sprintf with floating point doesn't work or crashes.
I've provided a complete explanation and required fixes here:
To illustrate the crash in minimal test application, I've provided this example project ready to run for a Nucleo 429:
Set breakpoints at:
sysmem.c: on the line with errno = ENOMEM;
main.c, in default task, on line kaboomP1 = malloc(16);
Enjoy the fireworks.
Comments on (one of) the problems are provided in sysmem.c
The fixes are explained in the web page linked above, and illustrated in this corrected minimal project:
It would be great if STM could:
- confirm they understand this set of bugs
- fix them in a prompt release of ST32cubeIDE/CubeMX/etc.
OK, we can dream, right?
Best Regards, Dave
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-06-14 1:32 PM
More like 13-14 years since the release of STM32F1 in 2007. ;)
Actually I wonder if, except for SBSFU and probably few other rare packages, which obviously are written by other teams, is there anything in HAL/Cube code that is not broken?
2021-06-14 3:01 PM
I think copy/paste is pretty reliable 8)
2021-07-20 10:22 AM
Hello again,
Looks like STM has released a fix for this in the latest STM32Cube IDE 1.7.0 / CubeMX 6.3.0 release according to their release notes:
I haven't tested this or investigated the fix, but figured I would update this thread to raise awareness. Note that if my memory serves me correctly, STM released a fix in the past that didn't work. So before anyone deems this a working fix, I would investigate yourself or wait for peer verification. @Dave Nadler in case you are curious.
2021-07-20 2:57 PM
STM32CubeIDE errata
2022-01-31 4:51 AM
Any information or confirmation ?
2022-01-31 6:37 AM
Any information or confirmation ?
2022-02-01 6:59 AM
@RSylv.1 Not much information.... except of we can gather from the CubeIDE distribution itself.
The whole issue revolves around newlib-nano bundled with the ST toolchains.
Let's look at one of recent versions, v.9-2020-q2 in
[CubeIDE install dir]/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.9-2020-q2-update.win32_2.0.0.202105311346/tools/arm-none-eabi
The configuration of the newlib is in ..../arm-none-eabi/include/newlib-nano\newlib.h
There you can see the following symbols defined:
/* Define if using retargetable functions for default lock routines. */
/* Define if small footprint nano-formatted-IO implementation used. */
... etc. The version of newlib itself in _newlib_version.h is 3.3.0 - so you can get the source of this version and look what these macros do.
This is all ST lets us know.
2022-02-18 1:13 PM
I tried increasing the stack in my freertos task but that didn't help. So I just multiply the fp by 10^n (n is the precision or where to put the decimal point) cast it to a int32_t and use this routine to insert a decimal point:
void insert_dp(int32_t num, char *buff, int nodp)
char temp[10];
int i,j;
int strln = strlen(temp);
j = 0;
for(i = 0;i <= strln;i++)
if(i == nodp)
buff[strln-i+1] = '.';
buff[strln-i-j+1] = temp[strln-i];
2023-05-01 9:55 AM
The problem with %f printf issues is that newlib printf uses the heap for floats (and longs). See
2023-05-01 10:10 AM
@PHolt.1 Why are you posting something already explained in detail above and in my web site you reference?
And incorrect information in the linked article?
Please stop wasting everyone's time.