2019-07-01 2:44 AM
We are using STM32F207ZG and while configuring it with the help of STM32IDE we are facing some conflicts like we have used USART1(Asynchronous mode with only Rx and Tx) . It is showing conflict if we use USART1_CTS and USART1_RTS pins as GPIO pins. The error showing is "Partly disabled conflict with use of GPIO pin". My doubt is that can we use them as GPIO if conflict is there or else its reserved.
2019-07-01 3:54 AM
Where is the error stated?
If i configure the usart1 as asynchronous and Hardware flow control is disabled there is no error showing up.
If you configure the Pins PA11&&PA12 to GPIOs usb_otg_fs will not work.
Do you need USB?
Can you post the error or a picture from your Pinout overview?
2019-07-01 5:37 AM
Thank you for your response.
Unfortunately I am not able to capture the error. I am not using it for USB_OTG_FS I am using it as GPIO.