2022-04-11 10:12 PM
I reckon that users should set the ideal value of ARR and PSC, not ARR-1 and PSC-1. Because ST should do this job in the program.
2022-04-12 5:17 AM
Having users enter PSC=1 in CubeMX and then getting PSC=0 in the code would be awful. Maybe I could see it if "PSC" wasn't listed in the CubeMX field description.
I think the better idea would be to have the timer update frequency be output in CubeMX and be updated when you change PSC/ARR and clock source.
2022-04-12 11:19 AM
> I think the better idea would be to have the timer update
> output in CubeMX and updated when you change PSC/ARR.
Yeah, that ^^^^^