2019-07-24 9:35 PM
Anyone experience this at all? arm-none-eabi-g++ gets stuck in a permanent loop trying to build main.cpp but works for other .cpp files. There are no errors or any information on what is going on.
2019-07-24 10:01 PM
Probably a question the toolchain dvelopment team needs to answer.
Some issues with include files, perhaps a circular include ?
2019-07-24 10:13 PM
Can't be because Keil compiles the same code just fine. Also if I empty the main.cpp to just a simple main function with no includes it still gets stuck on it. I manually updated the toolchain by overriding the one that comes with the IDE with the q3 ARM toolchain and still nothing.
2019-07-24 10:33 PM
If possible you can try armclang, it usually provides more detailed error messaging.
Otherwise, add the verbose output flag to the compile command.
2019-07-24 11:29 PM
There was a known issue on this point when installation is done into a location containing spaces, such as C:\Program Files.
Anyway it is marked as solved with 1.0.2, make sure you well updated to this version.