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Why Cube IDE v 1.7.0 project does not start without disconnecting and reconnecting the nucleo board?


I was using Cube IDE v 1.5,1 under Win 10 together with nucleo L4R5ZI board and everything was working fine. Now I updated to v 1.7.0 and if I download a new project to the board I must disconnect the USB cabel from CN1 connector and connect it again to start the project. It neither starts automatically nor after pressing the hardware reset button. I solved this issue by returning to v 1.5.1 but it would be better if I could use (and recommend my students to use) the most recent version. Have you got an idea what can be the source of this issue? Is there some bug in v1.7.0?


It should start. Start up the debugger and see where the cpu is at. If it has power, code is generally running, barring debugger interference.

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Evidently it does not start and it is not running. I tested this with the simple blinking diodes project. If I compile it under CubeIDE v 1.5.1 and select run the diodes start blinking immediatelly after download to nucleo is completed. If identical project is compiled under CubeIDE v 1.7.0. and run selected the diodes do not blink hower they start blinking if USB cable is disconnected from CN1 and connected again. All jumpers are in standard positions as shipped from the factory.