2022-04-14 7:07 AM
I've been able to successfully handle my tasks via C using the interrupt entry for DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler() but want to rewrite it in assembly code (let's please not get into a discussion of whether this is worth it or not for performance reasons).
When trying to write pure assembly code, I see STMCubeIDE offer me only C or C++ source files, apparently nothing for ASM. What's an effective way to do it then? I specifically want to write code that is called when the interrupt for DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler() is called.
Some hints in the right direction or even some simple framework would be highly appreciated. I can take it from there. So far I haven't really had much luck to find instructions on the internet.
2022-04-14 8:11 AM
> see STMCubeIDE offer me only C or C++ source files, apparently nothing for ASM.
Every CubeIDE project has at least one pure asm file. The startup.s.
The best way to deal with assembly is to have a code review with an expert.
2022-04-14 8:15 AM
Write your code in a .s file. it will be compiled automatically.
Have a look to the startup assembly file as example.
2022-04-14 8:27 AM
D'oh. Should've known that. Thanks for the hints.