2022-07-20 8:19 AM
2022-07-20 8:25 AM
No idea. Maybe you've got an interesting super-power.
2022-07-20 9:12 AM
I honestly despair at the state of things.
These type of failing have been reported over several years, along with ambiguous messages where it's not clear if OK or CANCEL is the appropriate response.
Some time things can be recovered via Windows, and get back previous versions of files/directories.
2022-07-25 1:02 AM
Hello there,
My only guess as to why 25 projects were imported would be if you tried to import the entire workspace (containing 25 projects?) instead of selecting a specific one.
As to the deletion, that obviously seems like a bug. Could you provide a step-by-step guide of the steps you took in order for me to try to reproduce it?
2022-07-25 1:15 PM
2022-07-25 4:49 PM
>ST microelectronics STM32CubeIDE has cost me thousands of dollars.
IDE bugs notwithstanding, no version control = your fault.