2022-08-05 7:17 AM
I am using STM32H743IIT6 custom Board and CubeIDE. Run the code after download it showing "Target not responding retrying......." and again try to download the same code in MCU i couldn't download, It show "Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target."
Searching from in internet i am finding some solution (connect to STUtility full chip erase and Close )
after don this i can download the same code but again Run this code it show same thing
"Target not responding retrying......." i try out lot of time using BOOT(0) close and open also but nothing happen.
Where i am make the mistake....,
What can i do for problem.
Kindly give me a ****** solution for this issues.
Thanks & Regards
M. Govind
2022-08-05 7:23 AM
>> Where i am make the mistake....What can i do for problem.
It's in your code, start looking there...
Check LDO/SMPS and VOS settings for appropriateness.
Check PLL and HSE configurations,that parameters match reality, and don't exceed functional limits,
Check you're not breaking the debug interface and pins.Not disabling them, reassigning them, etc.
Check you're not powering off the circuitry that you're attempting to use. Low Power Modes and Debugging are frequently incompatible goals. Use instrumentation to report internal state/function rather than the debug pod.
2022-08-05 7:28 AM
Thanks for response......,
I will Check..,
Thanks & Regards
M. Govind
2022-08-15 9:08 AM
Sounds like SMPS/LDO regulator issue. Unbrick your board by following this article:
Did not solve the issue? Check this article for additional sources to common boot issues:
2023-09-21 10:08 AM
Hello folks,
I had faced with similar issue on Nucleo F103RB for debugging alternative.
I have solved with clock setting of CPU as 8MHz from 72MHz.
After this change problem has gone away.
Thus problem CPU drain increase as not matched with USB operation from PC.
So alternative way is increase power drain asserting from VIN terminal with external power supply.
Please try it.