2020-11-29 2:48 AM
According to the reference manual for the STM32F103xx, RM0008, page 83, the BKP_RTCCR register has address offset 0x2C meaning it has the address 0x40006C2C but as shown in the picture STM32CubeIDE shows it on address 0x40006c28.
2020-11-29 3:26 PM
Sounds similar to https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000FN7XISA1/sfr-register-view-for-rtc-backup-registers-is-using-wrong-address
@Imen Ezzine , can you please have a look at this?
2020-11-30 12:18 AM
Ah, I hadn't noticed that the register at offset 0x00 was reserved. That explains why all registers are shown four bytes off.
To be extra clear, the code (LowLayer) programs the correct registers, it is just the SFR display in STM32CubeIDE that is wrong.
(small typo in that table, it shows an offset of 0x2 instead of 0x2C for BKP_RTCCR)