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STM32CubeIDE v 1.1.0 for macOS flashing problem

Associate III


Then i've upgraded STM32CubeIDE v. 1.0.2 for macOS to v. 1.1.0, i can't load program to my Nucleo L476RG board. With v. 1.0.2 all works fine.

Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x08000004 (byte = 0x75 instead of 0xA9).

i tried to remove "Verify flash download" flag on Debug settings. After that, board becomes broken. Error: Device not found.

  1. How can i restore board?
  2. How can i fix flashing issue on v.1.1.0?

P.S. Then i directly download v.1.1.0 .dmg file (not using "Check for updates") i get "Program corrupted - move to Trash" error after installation.

Full log:

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.3.2

Copyright (c) 2019, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:

    Persistent Mode      : Disabled

    Logging Level       : 31

    Listen Port Number     : 61234

    Status Refresh Delay    : 15s

    Verbose Mode        : Enabled

    SWD Debug         : Enabled

Target connection mode: Attach

Hardware watchpoint supported by the target 

COM frequency = 4000 kHz

ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J34M25

Device ID: 0x415

PC: 0x8009dbc

ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE

ST-LINK detects target voltage = 3.27 V

ST-LINK device status: HALT_MODE

ST-LINK device initialization OK

Waiting for debugger connection...

Waiting for connection on port 61234...

Accepted connection on port 61234...

Debugger connected

Enter STM32_AppReset() function 

NVIC_DFSR_REG = 0x00000009

NVIC_CFGFSR_REG = 0x00000000

XPSR = 0x01000000

 ------ Switching to STM32CubeProgrammer ----- 

[36m[01m   -------------------------------------------------------------------

[39;49m[36m[01m            STM32CubeProgrammer v2.2.0          

[39;49m[36m[01m   -------------------------------------------------------------------


[39;49m[39;49mLog output file:  /tmp/STM32CubeProgrammer_STfVay.log

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[90mST-LINK SN : 066CFF575255878281031937

[39;49m[90mST-LINK FW : V2J34M25

[39;49m[90mVoltage   : 3.26V

[39;49m[90mSWD freq  : 4000 KHz

[39;49m[90mConnect mode: Under Reset

[39;49m[90mReset mode : Hardware reset

[39;49m[90mCannot identify the device

[39;49m[00;31mError: unknown or unsupported device (DevID = 0x0000)


[39;49m[39;49mMemory Programming ...

[39;49m[39;49mOpening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_PjlniY.srec

[39;49m[39;49m File     : ST-LINK_GDB_server_PjlniY.srec

[39;49m[39;49m Size     : 56384 Bytes

[39;49m[39;49m Address    : 0x08000000 


[39;49m[39;49m[39;49mErasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49mDownload in Progress:

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[==================================================] 100% 


[39;49m[00;32mFile download complete

[39;49m[39;49mTime elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.427



Verifying ...


[39;49m[39;49mRead progress:

[39;49m[39;49m[39;49m[00;32m[=                         ]  3% 


[39;49mError: Data mismatch found at address 0x08000004 (byte = 0x75 instead of 0xA9)


[39;49m[00;31mError: Download verification failed


[39;49mEncountered Error when opening /Applications/

 ------ Switching context ----- 

Error in STM32CubeProgrammer

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down...

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Sounds STM32CubeIDE 1.2.0 release should solve issue ! which was apparently "only" a macOS support issue