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STM32CubeIDE: Project Manager shows no way to change Firmware Package Version

Associate III

I can remember that the Project Manager tab of the STM32CubeIDE showed an option to change the used firmware package. In my current project I'm not able to do that. When opening the .ioc file the used FW package is version 1.17.3, while the IDE actually has version 1.18 installed already.

Is this some kind of bug? Or intended behaviour? How do I change the project to use the latest FW for the MCU?

I just noticed it in IDE version 1.14, but an update to the current vresion 1.15 did not change it.




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so we try : mod the ioc.

- close IDE 

- make (backup) copy of the xx.ioc file , maybe name it xx.old

- open (original) ioc with an editor ->

about in middle of file you find > ProjectManager. xxx

here see/mod the lines to :

> ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=true

> ProjectManager.LastFirmware=true

- save + close file

- start IDE -> open ioc and try (and tell...)

If it still refuses to do, what we expect, try forcing it : 

- same as before, but now mod also :

> ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_H7 V1.11.2 (<- here YOUR new firmware name/version ! )

.. dito.

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ST Employee

Hello @A.D.,

Which STM32CubeMX version are you using?

You should update and use the latest version of CubeMx.

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Associate III

I had no dedicated version of CubeMX installed. Why would I need it as an extra program?

I installed version 6.11.1 now, but it did not change anything in the IDE, I still don't see the box to untick to choose a different FW package (same look as in the screenshot).

Chief II

Go in Cube to -> software packs -> manage..  and select/install...if there a more recent version.



On open Cube/ioc , -> migrate , to use new version.


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I have installed FW version 1.17.3 and 1.18. The project currently uses version 1.17.3

But I have no clue how to change that to the newer version 1.18. When I open the .ioc file I don't get the popup asking to migrate the project. And the project manager does not offer the possibilty to change it either (see screenshot in first post).




I would try : install version 1.19.0   also, then try again. (Maybe : close IDE, start again...)

It should show the migrate/continue window ... 

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I now updated to to WB FW 1.19.0, restarted IDE and it is still the same behaviour.

- No migration dialog when opening the .ioc

- No option in the Project Manager to change the FW version used.

Maybe this is because WB have special requirments and firmware must cooperate with same version. Then simple change is blocked. STM32CubeWB - STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32WB series (HAL, Low-Layer APIs and CMSIS, USB, File system, RTOS, BLE, Thread and Zigbee stacks - and examples running on ST boards) - STMicroelectronics

But yes change version with some warning will be ok, but ST ...

Clean way now is create new project and select latest fw.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@MM..1 With other STM32s I've seen this too. It seems deliberate but no idea why. Maybe, result of import of SW4STM project where the library version was fixed...  I just edited the .ioc file without pondering too much.



so we try : mod the ioc.

- close IDE 

- make (backup) copy of the xx.ioc file , maybe name it xx.old

- open (original) ioc with an editor ->

about in middle of file you find > ProjectManager. xxx

here see/mod the lines to :

> ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=true

> ProjectManager.LastFirmware=true

- save + close file

- start IDE -> open ioc and try (and tell...)

If it still refuses to do, what we expect, try forcing it : 

- same as before, but now mod also :

> ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_H7 V1.11.2 (<- here YOUR new firmware name/version ! )

.. dito.

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