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STM32CubeIDE 1.14.1 Login to myST does nothing

Associate II

With STM32CubeIDE 1.14.1 running on Windows10 the login to myST does not work anymore. Clicking the menu item or using the hotkey Alt-L simply does nothing - no reaction, no error message, NOTHING. It worked some time ago but all of a sudden does not work anymore. The Eclipse Log shows "Command '' failed" if I try to login using myST.

Also the HELP menu items like "Manage Embedded Software packages" do nothing at all.

I tried to reinstall the software but the same result. My problem is now, that download of so far unsused processor support packages does not work, too.

Any idea?

Mahmoud Ben Romdhane
ST Employee

Hello @MSchm.1 ,


First let me thank you for posting and welcome to the ST Community.

I suggest that you consult this Post.

It shows how to set the network connection parameters for STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE.




Associate II

Hi Mahmoud,

thanks for the reply but it does not address my problem!

1) I do not need a PROXY so the setting is NATIVE

2) All tricks to download packages for offline use do not help, because you can not download as long as you have not logged in - BUT THIS FAILS WITH THE ERROR MESSAGE SHOWN IN MY ORIGINAL POSTING

To make it short: because ST requires for what ever reason to login PRIOR to be able to download new packages I'm stuck now with my work!

To make it even more "funny": I tried to use V12 of STM32CubeIDE where the fxxxx myST login is not required. There I can create projects with new, so far unused, controllers. This means, the supporting packes have been downloaded to the STM32Cube/Repository directory structure.

After that I tried to create the projects with the very same controllers, which supporting packages already exist because of V12, I can not create three of the four projects I tried.

The controllers are STM32WB15CCU, STM32WB1MMCH, STM32G431RB and STM32H562ZG. Only STM32G431RB can be used in V14, the other three complain about "check your connection" a.s.o what is total ***.

TL;DR: if you can not use myST for whatever software bug in STM32CubeIDE 14 and 13 you are doomed!



Associate II

the problem is still pending and NOT solved

Hello @MSchm.1,

I suggest that you try to set the active provider to direct in network connection.


Then you check the connection in firmware Updater.


And you will be able to connect to your account.

If you use the tools without being connected to the Internet, STM32CubeIDE makes this possible
by following these instructions: 

* Manually download the needed STM32Cube firmware packages from the STMicroelectronics website

* Inside STM32CubeIDE, use the following menus:
  1. [Help]>[Manage embedded software packages]
  2. [STM32Cube MCU Packages]>[From local...]
• Point to the manually downloaded zip file, then accept the license and install it.







Associate II

sorry to correct you, but "Mange Embedded software packages" is only executable if you are logged in to myST. On my system, selecting this menu item does nothing! No error message, NOTHING.

And as said, I also tried DIRECT and NATIVE connections. It does not help!

Associate II

I must correct myself, too. The effect that I can not execute "Manage Embedded software packages" seems to be blocked by the very same DOMAIN setting that prohibits login to myST.

At the end of the day, the problem seems to be caused by WINDOWS DOMAIN User versus Local User Login on my Windows10 machine.

I'm not the administrator of my company domain. As long as I can not tell them what STM32CubeIDE requires, I'm stuck!

So, can you please verify that you as a DOMAIN USER on a native Windows10 machine are able to use myST?



That's why I have my IDE in a virtual machine. There I am admin and run outside the domain policy.
It's also easier to take snapshots in case an update goes wrong.



Associate II

The same problem.
STM32CubeIDE 1.14.1 on Windows10.
Pressed "login" to myST. Nothing happened.
Pressed "Manage Embedded Software Packages". Nothing happened.
Local account with administrative privilegs.
Antivirus and firewall turned off.
No proxy (tried native and direct modes).
Check for Updates - Ok
Check for Target Selector Device Database Updates - Ok
Firmware Updater / Check Connection - Ok

On my Vm I have to install a root certificate like "yourcompany-root-ca.cer" from IT into the
Java directory



copy the cer file into this directory
open a cmd (console) there and enter:

./keytool -import -alias "yourcompany" -file ./yourcompany-root-ca.cer -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts

password "changeme"

