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STM32Cube IDE v1.8 not be able to download to Discovery L5 board anymore

Associate III

I upgraded to v1.8 and realized that my programs cannot be downloaded anymore to my discovery STM32L5 board. The error message says:

Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

Erasing internal memory sectors [0 9]

Download in Progress:

Error: Fail to write buffer in flash

Error: failed to erase memory

Upto that message all other status messages looks fine. I assume it is related to ST-LINK GDB server. Version 6.0.0 because in STM32Cube IDE this was version 5.x.x.

The STM32Programmer is still able to download to the board. If I connect the STM32Programmer right after an unsuccessful download of STM32CubeIDE I can see that parts of the memory get deleted but not programmed correct afterwards (see screenshot attached). The first 8 Bytes are correct. After that only erased memory cells are shown.

Would be great if this can be fixed soon.

Best Regards


ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ ,

Try to upgrade the ST-Link firmware version, then please tell us if your issue persists.


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Lead II

What is the latest ST-Link firmware version?

As the NUCLEO boards were new, STM32CubeIDE imposed to update the ST-Link firmware on first use.

STM32CubeProgrammer and STM32CubeIDE report the version V3J9M3

Now I'm afraid to connect my other boards to STM32CubeIDE because there is a risk of rendering them inoperative...

Hi Imen,

same as for Nikita. I'm using the firmware version V3J9M3. I actually tried V3J8M3 and had the same issue with STM32CubeIDE 1.8 but not with 1.7

Best Regards


ST Employee

Could you try to run ST-Link GDB server in 1.7.0 and in 1.8.0 and activate the gdb server log in your debug configurations and then send the logs to me?

Here are the GDB logs
Thank you

I don't see any attached logs. You can either attach them to the forum reply or send them directly in a private message to me!

I set the file in the mail answer but it it does not appear on the forum.

It is here

Lead II

@Markus GIRDLAND​  Any news about the fix of debug bugs of CubeIDE 1.8.0 ?


got same prob.