2021-01-22 6:20 AM
i use of iar embedded workbench arm.
But after seeing the ads and features of stm32cubeIDE, I used stm32cubeIDE for testing.
There are two major drawbacks to stm32cubeIDE:
1. The generated hex code is almost twice as long as iar(in flash memory).
2- The execution speed of the program is almost 2 times slower than iar.
The amount of RAM used in stm32cubeIDE was slightly higher and can be ignored.
A large project was used for the experiment, in which almost most of the features of micro stm32f407vg were used.
This experiment was performed for micro stm32f030f4 with a small project that opened the result as before.
I urge developers to address these two important issues.
Friends, please share your experiences.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-01-26 11:59 PM
Hi @kshin.11,
This is a quite common feedback which does not have a simple straight forward answer. Yes IAR compiler is most of the time faster and produces smaller binaries. But not always, we have also seen examples where GCC does a better work. And the result should NOT be in the range of 2 times worse in neither case 1 nor case 2. Typically we can get results in the realm of +-5%.
It is important to compare apples and apples.
So as @MM..1 commented, one has to consider which optimization levels that are used. -O0 in GCC for example, has the fastest "compilation times" since it does not apply any optimizations. But, if you want to compare a binary that can be debugged with IAR you should probably instead rely on -Og which applies all optimization that which does not interfere with the Debug experience!
Similar consideration for the higher optimization levels need to be made.
Non optimlal usage of the C Run-time libraries quite often effects the results in a negative way. For a starter rely on Newlib-nano if you can.
Another thought is that if code initially was written with IAR compiler and run-time libraries in mind, then this could bias the result since the developer may be well-familiar with what/how to write optimal code for this compiler and libraries. Such proejct/code may not translate perfectly to GCC. Comparisons/benchmarks are not a straight-forward and easy topic. :)
Kind regards, Mattias
2021-01-22 7:15 AM
>>I urge developers to address these two important issues.
Pretty sure the people writing the IDE, UI/GFX, Java automatic code generators and other w*nky stuff are NOT the compiler/linker guys.
2021-01-22 7:47 AM
You use in cubeIDE Release build and optimize -Os or -O3 ???
2021-01-26 11:59 PM
Hi @kshin.11,
This is a quite common feedback which does not have a simple straight forward answer. Yes IAR compiler is most of the time faster and produces smaller binaries. But not always, we have also seen examples where GCC does a better work. And the result should NOT be in the range of 2 times worse in neither case 1 nor case 2. Typically we can get results in the realm of +-5%.
It is important to compare apples and apples.
So as @MM..1 commented, one has to consider which optimization levels that are used. -O0 in GCC for example, has the fastest "compilation times" since it does not apply any optimizations. But, if you want to compare a binary that can be debugged with IAR you should probably instead rely on -Og which applies all optimization that which does not interfere with the Debug experience!
Similar consideration for the higher optimization levels need to be made.
Non optimlal usage of the C Run-time libraries quite often effects the results in a negative way. For a starter rely on Newlib-nano if you can.
Another thought is that if code initially was written with IAR compiler and run-time libraries in mind, then this could bias the result since the developer may be well-familiar with what/how to write optimal code for this compiler and libraries. Such proejct/code may not translate perfectly to GCC. Comparisons/benchmarks are not a straight-forward and easy topic. :)
Kind regards, Mattias
2021-01-27 12:19 AM
On average, you get what you pay for.
Keil, IAR and others spent man-years in their toolchains, and not only a pretty look.
For a free tool, consider correctness / standard adherence as realistic demand.
For ST, it does not pay off to invest that many resources in a free tool, especially since software and tools are not their focus.
And if they did, there would be trouble with the propfessional competitors.
BTW, I can personally confirm that another unnamed MCU vendor deliberately filled applications with crap, to coax users of their free tools/libs into paying for it.
2021-01-27 1:11 AM
Just my 5ct: When using gcc (STM32CubeIDE), try -flto in the compiler and linker, that's link time optimization, see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/LTO-Overview.html. Helps to reduce function call overhead and impoves register allocation when much library code (from individual compilation units) is involved.