2019-11-15 1:22 AM
Hey there,
I am using an STM32F767ZIT6 and I am not realy an advanced programmer. The IDE I am using is STM32CubeIDE v1.1.0 .
When I create a new Project, I use the pinout configuration to initialize freeRTOS, ETH and lwIP. At System Core I changed the Timebase Source to a Timer. Also I change the clock configuration to 216 MHz, cause of ETH. In lwIP I disable DHCP and use a static IP. So far so good.
All other configurations are on default. Now I connect my Nucleo 144 to my PC and try to Ping, but nothing happend, no communication.
When debugging this project, I stuck in the lwIP init.
Are there any other configurations I need to do, to Ping my Board?
2019-11-15 2:07 AM
Me again,
I changed the Stack Size of the Task to 1024. Through this change, i do not stuck in the lwIP init anymore.
But still can not ping.
2019-11-18 5:52 AM
The "PHY Address" value must be set to 0. Also the IDE pinout configuration connect two false pins. PG11 and PG13 must be set manuel to ETH_TX_EN and ETH_TXD0 !
Now the Ping worked!