2019-11-19 5:52 AM
HI community,
I am new to ST community, currently working on a STM32L475 discovery kit. I wanted to implement low power design with the MQTT exxample (using STM32CubeIDE).
I have few clarifications
1.When the board is running a simple LED blink example, the current reading is around 12.9mA, is this normal to consume this much power just for LED blink example. ? Although With WIFI connected and sensor data transmitting (every second) the current consumption is 14mA and 15.3mA respectively.
2.There many low power modes available on the mode, i was to put the device on sleep/standby mode for 1hour or any specific time, but in the meantime i should also be able to read the sensor readings. So that after a specific time i can do a bulk transfer. Which power reduction modes keep the peripherals active ? I couldn't find any examples online, any guidance is really helpful.