2020-02-21 9:56 AM - last edited on 2025-01-30 2:34 AM by Andrew Neil
Only a couple of days ago, I startet to work with STM32cubeIDE. I'm new with STM32 and also new with the cubeIDE, but I do need this in future for product development. I'm using a nucleo-L053R8 board.
After starting a very simple test script to let blink a LED, I downloaded this a few times onto the board, using F11(Debug), which worked fine a few times.
At any time, cubeIDE crashed an had to be killed by using task-manager. From that time, I'm stepping from one problem into the next, not being able to get anything work again.
Currently, the status bar stops at 93% when downloading the software:
Probably after some timeout I get the following error message:
Using google, did not show any usefull result to. There a lot of hits, but everything seems not to be applicable to my configuration.
Currently I'm realy frustrated with the IDE, as it is too complex for a beginner to understand where to start searching for a solution.
BTW: What I did so far: Uninstalling and reinstalling cubeIDE with no result. Starting a new project, which just resulted in differen error messages. Upgrading the ST-Link firmware on the board, with also no result.
Any idea, what I can do to get things work as intended?
2020-02-21 2:54 PM
Try to dowload and install ST Link Utility, and yry to connect to the target from there, maybe also setting "Connect under reset" there.
2020-02-22 12:52 AM
Thanks a lot! That worked immediately and is a good work around.
However ist getting even more weird! There was one small project I was able to upload from stm32cubeIDE, but only until I changed the code in main.c, forcing a new built of the project. From that time, I was no longer able to upload the code, it also stops at 93% now. Maybe anyone has an idea, what could be misconfigured?
To me it looks like, that stm32cubeIDE ist anything else than mature and very buggy. I do not have any big projects yet, I just started my first blinking-LED-hello-world programs, facing one problem after another ... >:(
2020-03-08 12:32 PM
Problem is solved by updating to the latest Java 64bit JRE!
See also this post: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000CErZUKSQ3/stm32cubeide-installation-check-for-the-correct-java-rte-is-missing