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Not able to identify the error in the code


Can anyone help to find the error in the code because it is not able to print anything on the console. I have also try to change the pins of UART but then also it is not be to print anything on the console. 


You need to provide a lot more details!

What "console" are you talking about?

What board are you running on/

How is that board connected to the "console"?

etc, etc - see:


Start with a minimal example which just sends fixed message

sending continuous uppercase 'U' is good - as you can then easily check that on a 'scope, see if the baud rate is correct, etc 

Then try receiving, and doing a simple loop-back ...


Understand we are not psychic here..

Is this the STM32F411RE you've mention in a prior post? Is it on a NUCLEO-F411RE board?

Check the MSP code initializing the USART2 clocks, and GPIO pins.

The baud rate must match those of the ST-LINK VCP/CDC connection, if that's what you're attempting to use.

Send some data directly via HAL_UART_Transmit(), then check the plumbing for the __io_putchar() for printf() to work.

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