2020-02-12 5:15 AM
2020-02-12 5:57 AM
> My question is: When I make a project in CubeIDE, if it has the default compiler - GCC, so I needn't to use IAR or Keil.
Correct. More precisely, the arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler/toolchain is included and used.
Assuming Windows, the default download area is %USERPROFILE%\STM32Cube\Repository.
Looks like a broken/aborted download. You might want to check/cleanup that folder manually.
2020-02-12 6:47 PM
Where is it?
In this website account, or in my CubeIDE?
I have not found it in Cube IDE.
"Assuming Windows, the default download area is %USERPROFILE%\STM32Cube\Repository. "
Do you mean I download "stm32cube_fw_g4" file ?
2020-02-12 9:41 PM
%USERPROFILE% is your Windows "home" folder, typically C:\Users\<your username>, analogously to $HOME under Linux.
Navigate to the folder %USERPROFILE%\STM32Cube\Repository by any Windows means you know of (explorer, start, cmd, ...) and take a look at the files and folders present in it.
Mine looks like:
28.01.2020 10:57 <DIR> STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.0.0
28.01.2020 10:57 <DIR> STM32Cube_FW_L5_V1.1.0
06.01.2020 22:32 183.514.204 stm32cube_fw_l5_v100.zip
28.01.2020 10:56 184.375.604 stm32cube_fw_l5_v110.zip
Each downloaded .zip is uncompressed to its own folder by Cube, thus keeping each firmware revision in its own place.
CubeIDE's problem is stated in your screen shot:
CubeIDE hesitates uncompressing into an already existing folder which could overwrite existing data.
Don't know why that folder exists on your machine, it shouldn't.
Maybe from a previous unsuccessful download attempt.
Rename or remove the existing folder and try again.
2020-02-13 1:24 AM
Gone through there. This was the matter: the default folder name is 1.1.0 as suffix, while the extracted folder was one level lower under it, so solution was a "DK (DOUBLE CLICK, I have created just now, if anyone want to told it so, I dislike such kind of abbreviation)"
Attachment is the screen shot.