2021-09-13 2:58 PM
I have a simple cubemx generated project where i simply toggle led and printf to my external console. After programming the program isnt running. i must reconnect the st-link usb interface and then the program will run normally. Simply pressing reset after programming doesnt cause the code to run.
Also i notice that the LD8 green led is on in the non working case. After reconnecting power LD8 is off and the program is running correctly.
I would expect the code to start running after being programmed with st-link.
Nucleo-L4R5ZI-P (hardware in factory state re jumpers/solder bridges)
In MX i have defined the sys/debug as "serial wire"
Connected the uart pins to the st-link uart interface.
GPIO connected to PB14 for Red LED drive.
2021-09-13 3:20 PM
I didn't try to interpret the symptoms you observe.
Try to have a look at https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000raYd2SAE/intermittent-break-at-address-0x1fff51f4-with-no-debug
2021-09-13 4:59 PM
2021-09-13 6:04 PM
Check firmware on the ST-LINK side, several versions clamp NRST when not connected to a PC.
There should also be some SB to disconnect the NRST line from the ST-LINK STM32F103 to the Target MCU
I don't think BOOT0 should be an issue, but make sure Error Handler and Hard Fault Handlers suitably alert if you end up in those
2021-09-17 11:31 AM