2022-08-11 07:05 PM
I just purchased the new ST-Link V3 MINIE, and it doesn't seem to be recognized by STM32CubeIDE. I'm using version 1.4, which is unfortunately the version we all have to use for this project. What version of the IDE is required for use with the MINIE?
2022-08-12 12:12 AM
Welcome, @Jon7sky, to the community!
It's a shame that you can't work with the current version, because with the now very old version 1.4.0 you not only have no bug fixes, but also no support for newer MCU like STM32C0, STM32G0B, STM32G0C, some STM32L4, STM32U5, some STM32MP1, STM32WL, etc. The ST-LINK/V3 has been supported since CubeIDE 1.0.0, as you can also read in the release notes RN0114. Maybe we should try to find the cause of the access problem.
2022-08-12 01:45 AM
Can you perhaps replace subcomponents related to the debugger,ie GDB and STM32 Cube Programmer?