2019-08-28 11:53 AM
I am new to STM32 world and all of its tools. I have purchased a STM32F303RE board and downloaded the STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE. I also downloaded SW4STM32 as many ST User manuals contains many examples for this IDE tool. After two weeks of playing with SW4STM32 IDE, I realized it's time to move to STM32CubeIDE. While visiting the ST site containing IDE information, I note there is a nice CubeIDE "How To" video showing how to set up the project, set up workspace, set up debug, set up SWV, and many other perspectives. There is only one video in the STM32CubeIDE resource area and it is good. I would like to find this video presentation and flow in PDF form.
Can anyone point to this PDF if it exist, I want to print for my reference. Also note, the video is very small so seeing and reading the quickly paced video you have to squint your eyes and constantly press the PULSE to see what is going on. This would be a big help to the ST Community. Thanks all for your help.
2019-08-28 3:23 PM
My own answer, there is no PDF available that I can find. The next step was to get the largest LCD in my LAB to follow the DEMO. This is working fine so far. I am able to follow the video. All debug is function great until Video sector 3:46 / 4:57 from "How to use STM32CubeIDE".
This is where the SWV Hardware Comparators are selected and installed to PLOT the data accesses.
I would like to know how the two additional HAL driver codes got put into the DEBUG Perspective TAB. The video show shows a RED arrow pointing to some location I cannot see on my screen, all of a sudden two addition HALs show up.
1) HAL_GetTick()
2) HAL_Delay()
I don't see how it happened - Please look at this video. Thanks
2019-08-28 3:37 PM
Answered my own question again. The STM32CubeIDE illustrator is actually RUNNING the project DEBUG session at video time-frame 3:37/4:57. While RUNNING the DEBUG, the illustration SELECTS - DEBUG PULSE. This automatically inserts the two HAL DRIVERS under the DEBUG tab:
1) HAL_GETTick() at stm32f3xx_hal.c:308 0x8000292
2) HAL_Delay() at stm32f3xx_hal.c:370 0x80002cc
I assume theses to be to the DEBUG PULSE points in the running main.c; namely the HAL functions.