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increase size of icons in STM32CubeIDE top menu bar ?

Associate III

Is there anyway to increase the size of the icons in the top menu bar in the IDE?

I am 70 now and my eyesight needs a wake-up here :)


Not apart from changing the resolution of your screen, or tinkering with the internals, sadly.

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Just track down the real program (not the launcher) and override it's DPI scaling.

Associate II

Beside this question like to be slightly outdated I found a neat solution to this issue.

I've the same problem when running STM32CubeIDE (Eclipse 4.23) under Linux on a 4k screen.

It's described here and seems to work:

​So I've edited the ​/usr/share/applications/stm32cubeide.desktop by adding `GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5 GDK_SCALE=2` to the line beginning with Exec=....

The full line is now

`​Exec=GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5 GDK_SCALE=2 stm32cubeide %F`

The difference:

STM32CubeIDE on a 4k screen without any specific GDK settings

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bhl6FQAQ.pngThe same with modified GDK-settings:

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bhl6KQAQ.pngHope it helps if someone is searching for a solution.

BTW, the often mentioned solution `-Dswt.autoScale=175` or similar does NOT work. It only works on older Eclipse versions (prior 4.8?).


Not sure if this answer already exists, but just hope to help whoever lands on this question in the future. :)


On Windows 11, you can change the properties of the executable file to make the icons bigger.

1. Find your STM32CubeIDE shortcut -> RIGHT CLICK -> Open file location

2. Open the properties of the .exe file

3. Navigate to "Compatibility" on the pop-up

4. Under "Settings", click "Change high DPI settings" button

5. Under High DPI scaling override, check the "Override high DPI scaling behavior." checkbox

6. Select "System" in the drop-down menu

7. Click OK -> Apply

8. Restart the IDE


Hopefully that solved the problem.

My 75 year old eyes Thank You!