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Is RTOS CMSIS_V2 working with USB Host?

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I tried to convert a test project that worked without RTOS, to use RTOS CMSIS_V2 and is not working with USB Host.

I tried to convert a test project that worked without RTOS, to use RTOS CMSIS_V1 and is working with USB Host.

Should I use CMSIS_V1 only?

Should CMSIS_V2 also work with USB Host?

ST Employee

Hello @rtek1000​ ,

 What kind of error do you observed?

Do you face this issue when using CubeMx for project generation ?


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Not applicable

​Hello @Imen DAHMEN​ ,


Did not generate any Debug message for USB Host using RTOS CMSIS V2.


But for RTOS CMSIS V1 it generated the Debug messages normally.


I used the D.C.T.C. Generator from STM32CubeIDE ver. 1.7.0.


Thank you.​

Associate III

Hello  @Imen DAHMEN, @rtek1000​,

Any update on this as I am also facing the same issue.
I am using STM32Cube IDE v1.13 and stm32f746 discovery board, when I am using freeRTOS CMSIS-V1 USB host works very as a MSC host.

But as soon as I shift to CMSIS-V2  and connect the USB to the board the code gets stuck in the infinite loop of xTaskRemoveFromEventList().


But if I do not connect the USB the firmware's other functionalities are performing as intended.

Any inputs are highly appreciated.
