2024-07-05 12:51 AM
Hello, I recently had a compilation error with STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0. A json.h file is not found by the compiler, yet I have included the path in the project properties, as shown in the photo.
The file is present in the project/drivers/JSON directory. If I move the file to project/core/inc, the compilation works.
Another oddity, I can't find where the paths to project/drivers/NTC and project/drivers/OLED are registered? Yet the compilation works (without json.h).
Thank you.
2024-07-05 12:47 PM
I try this .......without succes.:frowning_face:
2024-07-05 12:51 PM
Sorry, I'm out of ideas ((
2024-07-06 10:24 AM
no one have an idea ?
2024-07-09 5:03 AM
strangely with a new project, the inclusion of a new.h file works well with the configuration screen.
It must be an option in the properties, but I don't know how to modify that......do you have an idea?
2024-07-09 8:39 AM
It seems that your /drivers/- folder is not source-folder because there is no blue c- letter.
Check 'paths and symbols' -> 'source location' list from your project properties and add it there if needed.
2024-07-09 8:51 AM
@JTP1 wrote:It seems that your /Drivers/- folder is not source-folder because there is no blue c- letter.
Not sure what that icon on it is, though - is it a key ?
Does that mean it's somehow "locked" ?
2024-07-09 9:02 AM
I think it just tells that there is some kind of retrictions in the files or subfolders. (like some file is exluded from the build , or like in this case some folder is not included in the source folder list).
I believe drivers/NTC and /drivers/OLED folders,however, are included to the sourcle folder list since these folders work.
2024-07-09 10:19 AM
Thank you for these tips, I will leave this tomorrow.
2024-07-10 4:34 AM
i can reset the key icone on my folder "driver" but always not build.
it seems that the path is not taken into account.
2024-07-10 4:42 AM
@guillaumefaye wrote:i can reset the key icon on my folder
What do you mean by that?
You need to set it to be a Source folder - so it should have the 'C' icon on it ...