2021-02-11 9:28 PM
Hi ,
I am new to STM32cube IDE , one of the client provided the True studio project and i imported that project into STM32Cube IDE after importing the project structure is like this.
After clicking on 2252.ioc i am getting blank page.
Please suggest me what is happening and why it is not opening.
This is the project properties > c/c++ build> include path.
For this project i can compile without error but more warnings are there.
Please help me to handle this...
2021-02-19 1:47 AM
2021-02-20 12:11 AM
I've done delta diff between your original file and migrated one. Of course both are quite different but according to me nothing lost here. Your reference is so old no so surprised to get so much rewritten but as far as sounds correct I would rely on taking benefit fresh material what will prevent you of many issue solved since.
Based on your primary .ioc file nothing else than jtag stuff inside. If your project is having more resources then such only means your .ioc file is not in sync. with such. No miracle here can be expected so. But still start from fresh tool, migrate and copy paste missing ressources (what may have been done if original project by the way ...)
2021-02-21 9:06 PM
Hi ,
i am trying with one method, created the new project using STM32L151RCT6 (new controller) with STMcubeIDE, and trying to import folder by folder.
But i am getting more number of errors, related to drivers.
old project and this project will have driver difference or what?
2021-02-22 8:57 PM
Ok thanks, actually i was created new project with new controller in STM32Cube IDE and trying to import the folder one by one but after adding the EEPROM drivers and DMA related drivers it is giving errors like 160 and 170 errors.
i think as target changed , the memory and features will change.
I decided to configure the peripherals as per MCU and IDE compatibility.
Please can you suggest me how to use EEPROM middle ware/module in STM32Cube IDE??